Local chats about things that matter

We verify all members, so you can interact freely with the people and content you care about. No trolls. No spam. All good.

Say hello on Howl

Your neighbors all in one place

Howl suits the occasion. No more awkward texting or exchanging phone numbers. Easily send them a message on Howl.

a tent icon

Instant connection

Automatically connect with nearby neighbors when you join.

a checkmark icon

Verified users

Chat with verified neighbors in a safe, quiet space.

a map icon

Built-in context

Chat about neighborly things in a dedicated pack.

Local & relevant

Get a bird's eye view of your neighborhood

Real-time updates to your map

Our interactive map lets you easily see what’s happening in your neighborhood and filter based on what matters to you.

a mapa group of user avatars
a user avatar
Pack messaging

Connect instantly

Packs are tailor made group chats that simplify connections with neighbors. We build a network for you. The only thing left to do is to make it your own. Want to start a walking club? Create a pack to find your people.

Packs are just like group chats, but only verified people that live near you can view and access them.
What’s a pack?
Info icon
a neighborhood shown from above
a text messagea map message
a text messagea text message
You're in control

No spam, ads, or irrelevant posts

We hate spam more than you do. It’s literally why we’re here and why we’re making such strong promises.

checkmark icon

Only chat with verified neighbors.

checkmark icon

Follow threads that matter to you.

checkmark icon

No ads, ever.

an avatar of a woman
an avatar of a man
an avatar of a woman
Welcome home

A quiet, dedicated space for neighbors

Social apps have become too noisy and now don't feel like the neighborhoods we live in. You won't find a relentless feed of complaints. We're designing a space for you to feel comfortable again with neighbors. Take your shoes off and come on in.

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